Sat 14.03.2026
The adventures of Frodo, Sam and their companions on their journey through Middle-earth have captivated millions of people around the world for decades. First thanks to the books by author J.R.R. Tolkien, and then just after the turn of the millennium with Peter Jackson's furious film trilogy. In 2024, the Munich Symphony Orchestra, together with the TUM Choir and the Wolfratshausen Children's Choir, played the live soundtrack for the first time in the Olympic Hall, at that time to the large-screen projection of the first part of ‘The Fellowship of the Ring’. After the second episode, ‘The Two Towers’, in 2025, Tolkien fans can now look forward to the grand finale in ‘The Return of the King’ with the same cast in the Olympic Hall - when Frodo and Sam escape the clutches of the giant spider Kankra as well as humourless orcs to destroy the ring once and for all in the lava of Mordor's Mount Doom and finally return to their beloved Shire.
The powerful and moving soundtrack by Howard Shore and the title song ‘Into The West’ by Annie Lennox won an Oscar and a Golden Globe in 2004. Now the music can be heard live in the Olympic Hall with more than 200 performers. The crowning finale to a legendary story.
Film in English with German subtitles. FSK 12, the organiser's terms and conditions apply.
Children under the age of 6 will not be admitted to the event. Children between the ages of 6 and 14 may only be admitted if accompanied by a parent or guardian. An identification document must be carried
MünchenEvent GmbH