Sun 08.03.2026
It comes as no surprise that his eighth live program is once again all about men and women. Since his tour debut with “Männer sind Schweine, Frauen aber auch!” (2001), Mario Barth has been all about the seemingly complex relationship between men and women. As the topic is of course far from over, the Berlin comedian is now filling his 2026 tour with entertaining anecdotes from the rich pool of unexpected complications between the sexes.
In “Männer sind nichts ohne die Frauen”, Mario Barth once again tells bizarre and entertaining stories from the completely normal everyday madness of interpersonal relationships: just as he has always done when the successful entertainer has filled the country's halls and stadiums over the past 25 years or written down his insights in book form, such as in “Langenscheidt Deutsch - Frau / Frau - Deutsch: Schnelle Hilfe für den ratlosen Mann”. For his tour, the comedian announced: “Frauen haben mehr Fragen als wir Männer Antworten” - which would be a good title for his ninth solo program. What would have become of Mario Barth without his husband and wife will probably remain a mystery forever.
Photocredits: Mayk_Azzato and Sebastian_Drueen