Fri 16.06.2023

Luke Mockridge

Live 2023 „TRIPPY“

Olympic Hall

His last live tour "Welcome to Luckyland" was seen by more than 600,000 spectators, now Luke Mockridge is moving back to the stage. With his new programme "Trippy", the comedian, who has won numerous awards, is also coming to Munich - for his usual entertaining and humorous evening full of wonderful absurdities on 16 June 2023 in the Olympic Hall.

Mockridge successfully premiered his first solo programme "I'm Lucky, I'm Luke" at the end of 2012. He also filled the country's large halls with the two further tours "Lucky Man" (2017) and "Welcome to Luckyland" (from 2019).

The comedian has also had great success as an author. In 2014, he published his book "Maths is an Asshole - How (m)I Finished School": a highly amusing personal look back at his own school days. Luke Mockridge also became a regular guest on television when he started his own TV show "Luke! The Week and Me" on Sat. 1. With this show and many other formats under the motto "Luke! ... and I", he thrilled an audience of millions. Highlights and excerpts of his shows can still be seen on the YouTube channel LukeMockridgeTV.

Mockridge has also been regularly honoured with awards since 2013. He has already received the German Comedy Award ten times in various categories, as well as a Bambi, a Grimme Award and the German Television Award. But now he is returning to the stage with his next solo programme "Trippy". To be seen on 16 June 2023 in the Olympic Hall.

8:00 PM
Entry 7:00 PM
Olympic Hall


PGM Promoters Group Munich Konzertagentur GmbH

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