Sun 06.10.2019

David Hasselhoff

Freedom! The Journey Continues Tour 2019

When he kicks off his 2019 concert tour of Germany, “The Hoff” has a bag of surprises in store for his fans, including a date at the Olympic Hall in Munich.

With his mega-hit, "I've Been Looking for Freedom", the US actor and music star with German roots has clocked up over 43 platinum and gold awards worldwide as well as a star on the famous “Hollywood Walk of Fame”. The Hasselhoff’s originally hail from Völkersen, near Bremen. “The Hoff” has starred in classic TV series such as "Knight Rider" and "Baywatch", which have attracted over a billion viewers in 145 countries worldwide and are still being rebroadcast to this day. During his upcoming FREEDOM! THE JOURNEY CONTINUES TOUR in Germany, celebrity singer/actor/entertainer DAVID HASSELHOFF promises to reveal some surprises that he has in store for his fans. Come & Party — Hoff Style!
8:00 PM

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