Kick-off for the big kick on our new courts!
Roller disco and roller skating - every Friday and Saturday!
Experience an unforgettable tour on the roof of the Olympic Stadium!
Visit the legendary Olympic Stadium and its unique architecture.
Fr 12.01. - Sa 21.12.2024
Sa 02.11. - So 03.11.2024
Mo 04.11.2024
Di 05.11. - Fr 08.11.2024
Di 05.11.2024
Sa 09.11.2024
So 10.11.2024
Di 12.11.2024
Mi 13.11.2024
Do 14.11.2024
Fr 15.11.2024
Sa 16.11.2024
Do 21.11.2024
Fr 22.11.2024
Sa 23.11.2024
Mi 27.11.2024
Do 28.11.2024
Sa 30.11.2024