Fri 15.02.2019

Ehrlich Brothers

Faszination – the magic show

The magic brothers return with their spectacular show, FASZINATION.

The Ehrlich Brothers are setting all of Germany aglow with their show, FASZINATION! The enormous success of this magic duo has led to their setting up a number of additional dates, including a return engagement in the Olympic Hall. From the first moment, brothers Andreas and Chris Ehrlich have the audience in the palm of their hand with their abundance of wit and charm. The brother’s easy, relaxed way of making magic delights spectators of all ages. Even when it gets a bit macabre, and one of the brothers is cut in half with a giant saw so that the other can dance on four legs, this is done with a wink of the eye instead of overblown theatrics. Whether it’s moving coins or glass tables, wedding rings linking, or mothers-in-law teleported from the stage into the audience – when assistance from the audience is requested, there are always enthusiastic volunteers. Children are more than happy to take part when Andreas and Chris call for a magic flea circus to convene onstage. They can turn a small toy into an actual monster truck, and make a quad bike go so fast that it disintegrates in a ball of fire. No matter whether on stage or among the audience: their casual manner, wit and charm always come through to audiences of all ages, even in the largest stadium venues.
3:00 PM

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