02/18/2006: A legendary combination in the Olympic Hall - the old rockers of Deep Purple and Alice Cooper performed in a double concert to a capacity audience and were immortalised in the Walk of Stars.


The hall went wild when shock rocker Alice Cooper sang on stage from his legendary coffin and performed extracts from his famous show with a touch of irony – with the guillotine, pirates' carnage and, of course, all his top hits; only the python was missing. But what a toxic mixture... Whilst the old rocker, heavily made up as usual, gave his all on stage, Deep Purple, who also have decades of stage experience, were being immortalised in the catacombs of the Olympic Hall.


Ten rockers' hands were immersed with good humour in the cement, and the five "lads" were visibly delighted with the Olympi soft toys that they took home for their grandchildren. Then there was a complete changeover: Deep Purple on stage and Alice Cooper in the cement. And he was a real Mr. Nice Guy! He appeared in full pirate gear, very photogenically, said hello to everyone very nicely, and then transformed himself into the shock rocker again for the photo!